Friday, February 24, 2012

Memories in books and drawers

When I was a kid, growing up in Liverpool and Whiston in the 1960s, I would occasionally ferret out the black book that was in the Welsh dresser in the front room, it was a photo album with most of the family snapshots.

This photo, received today, reminds me so much of those lost pictures. It is of John Welding and, if I can read the photo correctly, was taken in September 1915 and shows the 2/3 West Lancs R.F.A. 14th Battery. John Welding is fourth from the left, back row.

I usually photoshop creases out, but the danger with this photo is that I alter people and they lose what is left of their identity, so this picture is presented as is, in all it's creased glory. What a great bunch of young men, about to fight for their King and Country.

I will focus on John Welding and his military service as soon as I have verified the facts.

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