Monday, November 2, 2009

Botanic Park

In those days, Botanic Road wasn’t a busy road, not a main one. It was (and still is) a link between Wavertree Road and Edge Lane. We lived at number 53 and owned number 51 which mum and dad rented out. I never thought about them being landlords as we, the kids, were never included in any talk about money or business.

So, here I am, standing still in a nappy and rubber pants in the park in front of our house on Botanic Road. In was probably spring or summer 1959 and I was about 20 months old.

It was a fantastic park, plenty of space for mothers walking prams and kids, a botanical gardens area.

The maps I will add show a water feature in the park, but I cannot recall that being there as I grew up.

There was a rock garden in the botanical garden area, this was walled off though. In later years we would climb into the botanical garden area to play as it was locked up at night.

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