Monday, March 24, 2008

The Blog Concept

I've introduced the core family, and now I'd like to introduce the concept of this blog, which, hopefully, will have a defined direction, unlike some of my other attempts at blogging.

Arthur Weldon, the fine young man who was married in the photo, was my father and he died on June the 9th, 2000. The lovely lady, Dorothy Edwards, who was now a Weldon, died less than two years later on February the 24th, 2002.

In the years that followed I became somewhat of a family historian, researching through the family tree, trying to answer a lot of the questions I should have asked when they where alive, trying to fill a void that was left when they died.

The blog will be a scrapbook, of facts, stories, anecdotes and my memories of the Weldon family and friends, hopefully a precursor to a book that I will write one day.

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